


Product Details


  • Approx. 45 minutes
  • Candidates should have a computer system (laptop or desktop) with working webcam and external microphone/headphones, along with a stable internet connection, to take this test. Candidates must not disconnect their webcam and microphone/headphones during the test.
  • The use of mobile phones and tablets is strictly prohibited.
  • To avoid software compatibility issues, candidates are not recommended to take the test outside Hong Kong.


The Writing module asks candidates to input answers using a computer keyboard. Answers are marked automatically by the computer. Writing results will be released when ready and within 48 hours. Typically, 99% of results are available within 12 hours.

Length: 45 minutes (2 parts)
Part 1 (Email) The candidate will be asked to write a minimum of 50 words.
Marks in Part 1: One half of the final Writing result.
Part 2 (Long text) The candidate will be asked to write a minimum of 180 words.
Marks in Part 2: One half of the final Writing result.
Types of questions: Part one
Candidates read a short prompt, usually an email. They use the information in the prompt and the three bullet points to write an email of at least 50 words. Candidates should spend about 15 minutes on this.Part two
Candidates read a short text outlining a scenario and respond using the information in the scenario and the three bullet points. Linguaskill General candidates will write at least 180 words to a wider audience and may be asked to produce a variety of text types (e.g. review, article, web post). Linguaskill Business candidates will write a letter or report of at least 180 words, often to a manager or staff within the company or to external clients.

Other Information

Exam Type

Linguaskill Business, Linguaskill General

Exam Date

2024.06.01 (SAT) 00:00am – 2024.06.17 (MON) 11:00pm, 2024.06.18 (TUE) 00:00am – 2024.06.30 (SUN) 11:00pm