
  • 考生必須於評測時段完結前開始進行評測,否則將會被取消評測資格。
  • 報名前,考生必需先做模擬評測,衡量是否有足夠能力應考,才確實報名。
  • 報名費一經繳付後,不設任何退款或更改日期時間。
  • 考生必須遵守劍橋考試局的考試規則,評測前必需先閱讀考生須知 (https://linguaskill.abcpathways.com/instructions-to-candidates/)。
  • 考生請確保了解電腦最低配備需求,以避免影響考試過程。
  • 如考試因任何超出本校控制範圍的因素而被中斷,ABC Pathways School概不負責。
  • 本人明白及同意ABC Pathways School會使用我的個人資料 (姓名、電話號碼及電郵地址) 以WhatsApp、手機短訊、電郵、直接來電或其他形式的傳訊方法與本人聯絡,並不會將客戶的個人資料轉移至第三方作直銷推廣之用。
  • 本人明白並同意將考生考試成績或相片輯錄成「ABC龍虎榜」刊登於ABC Pathways School網頁或報章雜誌。
  • ABC將保留一切最終決策權。

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Candidates must start the test before the registered assessment period ends. Failure to do so will result in test registration being forfeited. 
  2. Registration fees are non-refundable and exam date could not be changed. ABC Pathways School reserves the right to make the final decision regarding fees.
  3. Changing of test dates is not permitted. If a change to the test date is requested due to exceptional circumstances, the final decision shall be made by ABC Pathways and candidates will be required to pay an administrative fee of $200 HKD per test.
  4. Candidates must adhere to the Cambridge Assessment Rules and Regulations as reading the examinee guidelines before attempting the test. (https://linguaskill.abcpathways.com/instructions-to-candidates/)
  5. To ensure the smooth operation of the test process, candidates must ensure that personal electronic devices meet the minimum operating requirements of the examination system
  6. ABC Pathways School are not responsible for any unexpected events which result in the interruption of your test.
  7. ABC Pathways School will not disclose a candidate’s personal information to a third party. 
  8. ABC Pathways School reserves the right to use exam results for the purposes of internal marketing.
  9. ABC Pathways School reserves all final decision-making rights.