International Recognition
Why Choose Linguaskill?
Apart from IELTS and TOEFL, Linguaskill is used and accepted by universities and organisations all around the world. Over 60 countries use Linguaskill.
- Air France
- Tokyo 2020, Japan Olympics
- DHL Asia Pacific, Malaysia
- Hongkong International Terminals
- Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company Limited
- Japan Airlines
- Volvo Group, France
Government / Ministries
- Continuing Education Fund (CEF) , Hong Kong
- Ministry of Education Thailand
- Ministry of Education, UAE
- Regional Government of Madrid
Higher Education
- HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE)
- MONASH University, Australia
- National Pingtung University, Taiwan
- Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
- The Centre for English Language Education, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC)
- University of Adelaide, Australia
- University of Queensland, Australia
Effective 17 April 2020, Linguaskill is a benchmark test that CEF applicants should take part in and pass in support of their CEF claims. (
Linguaskill can assist corporations in determining their staffs’ English level, playing a pivotal role in recruitment, promotion and internal training.
- Verified measurement of English ability – globally recognised standard scale
- Reduces operational manpower, simplifies management – from assessment to report, fully online
- Unbiased results, standardised report
- Easy to understand, unaffected by external factors
- Flexibility to assess individual modules separately – reading, listening, writing and speaking
Besides IELTS and TOEFL, Linguaskill is globally recognised by over 20,000 leading educational institutes, business corporations, and governments.
Directly Aligned With CEFR And IELTS
Linguaskill test results are directly aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Besides HKDSE and IELTS, Linguaskill is another top choice that is recognised by many educational institutions, multi-national corporations and government bodies.